An image of a hand giving the thumbs up sign with the text: how to get your blog noticed

How to Get Your Blog Noticed in 2023 (Tons of Tips Inside)

Blogs are everywhere. WordPress, one of the world’s largest homes for blogs reports its users posting 77 million posts per month!

In fact, you’re on my blog right now. Thanks for being here.

Just like you found my blog, I’ll teach you how to get your blog noticed. Fortunately, there are many ways to grow a successful blog.

So, let’s not waste any time and get right into the tips!

1. Create content — lots of it

blogging tips

Hands down, the time-tested way that blogs get noticed is by their content. At this point, you might have blog post ideas in mind. If not, that’s okay.

Here are some tips to help you think of ideas to help get your blog noticed:

  • Write what you know: Create blog articles on topics that interest you. If not, you’re going to bore yourself to tears in the long run.
  • You know more than you think: Far too often, people downplay how much they know and have experienced. Think about your hobbies and experiences. Chances are, you can come with quite a few content ideas.
  • Check out potential competitors: If you can’t beat ’em, create better content than they do. Okay, that’s not quite the saying. But you get the idea. Look at blogs you’d like your website to grow into, there are tons of ideas out there!

Think about a large company, one that can set up a new store anywhere it wants.

Your blog is like a large business with unlimited opportunities to reach customers. Each piece of content you create is like opening a new store.

I’ve learned from experience that I’d much rather own a website with 100 pages of decent content than five pages of expert-level, in-depth content. The more relevant keywords your blog covers, the more chances it has to show up in search engine results.

2. Learn about search engine optimization (SEO)

Did you know 68% of all online experiences start with an online search?

Three powerful letters for any blog or online business is SEO. Search engine optimization is the name given to various methods of optimizing a website. It can also be very helpful for how to get your blog noticed.

So, why is optimizing a website important? To explain that, you need to understand how search engines work. Don’t worry – I’ll be brief. Search engines use programs called bots that scan the internet for relevant content.

When these bots finish scanning the world’s many websites, they have to automatically determine what content is “best” or provides the best information. Search engine optimization sets up your website and its content to appear favorable to these robot website scanners.

I’d love to list all my SEO tips, but that would quickly take up this entire blog post and then some. If you’re just starting out with SEO, I’d recommend checking out Brain Dean at Backlinko or Moz’s blog to start with.

3. Getting your blog noticed through social media


Another great tip for how to get a blog noticed involves social sharing. While the term might sound complicated, social sharing is as simple as taking content on your blog and linking it to your social media accounts.

Plus, sharing a blog post on social media puts your content in front of a new audience. These potential viewers could end up being paying customers soon.

Who’s your audience?

If you’re like I used to be when I started marketing, you spend a lot of time posting on social media and hoping your content catches on. This strategy can work. But I’d recommend doing a little extra work and understanding who’s reading your blog and social pages.

I’d recommend connecting your blog with Google Analytics if you haven’t already. It’s free and simple to do this. Plus, connecting your website with this program lets you start learning about your visitors:

  • Behaviors
  • Interests
  • How old they are
  • Their level of education

This is the tip of the iceberg with Google Analytics. Get familiar with this tool and you’ll get better at understanding your audience and how to get your blog noticed. Knowing your audience lets you develop a writing style and content that appeals to them.

Use relevant hashtags

Another solid strategy to get more blog views from social media is by using hashtags. I’m sure you see hashtags everywhere. If you want to increase blog traffic, it’s a good idea to start using hashtags in your social media posts.

The key to successfully using hashtags for how to get your blog noticed is making sure they’re relevant to your content.

Example: Let’s say you published a new post about the best laptops of 2023. Now, you’re ready to get more traffic by sharing this post on social media. In this situation, good hashtags to use might include the following:

  • #laptops
  • #computers
  • #bestlaptops
  • #laptopshoppingguide

The exact hashtags you’ll use will vary based on what you’re posting about.

Mix it up

People use social media for a wide range of reasons. Some people like checking out news stories. If you’re like me, you use social media almost exclusively to find cute dog videos.

Other people like to shop on social media. But that doesn’t mean your social pages need to only be pushing products on your audience. Even if they’re wanting to buy something your business makes, that doesn’t mean visitors to your social pages want to be bombarded with “buy this” and “buy that.”

Fortunately, mixing up the content of your posts gives your business the best of both worlds. You can occasionally use social media to sell your products. But, make sure you also include valuable and informative content.

Let’s say that your company works with a lot of small businesses. You can drive traffic to your social pages with content from around the web that’s helpful for small business owners. You wouldn’t achieve this goal with content about recipes.

4. Answer questions online

question sign

Another method that many other bloggers use for getting their blogs noticed is answering people’s questions online. I know, it sounds kind of intimidating. But sharing your knowledge with people who need is a great way to build a profitable blog.

In the past, the main web page for this kind of stuff was Yahoo Answers. But they’re gone now. Websites like Quora or are all great places to post meaningful comments.

One of the most important tips for success with this method is providing actual help with your answers. As you use these websites and browse questions, stick with areas you’re knowledgeable about or ones that interest you.

5. Have experts share their opinions

Now, let’s look at a way for how to get your blog noticed that’s one of my favorites. This method typically has other people sharing your blog for you. And, it doesn’t get much better than that.

This strategy works best for established blogs with at least a few visitors. But it’s okay if your blog doesn’t have traffic.

Start this strategy by creating a piece of quality content. Make this content anything you could reach out to business owners about.

If your blog is about photography, you could ask people from more authoritative websites about their first camera or tips they’d have for new photographers.

This strategy works well because most people calling themselves experts love to talk about how much they know. Use this to your advantage.

After you create your post, search for other blogs in a similar niche as yours. Then, make a list of about 50-75 websites and how to get in contact with them. Next, let these people know about your topic and ask if each business wouldn’t mind giving a quick paragraph about a certain topic.

Also, always ask the other party if you can publish their quotes on your website. Most people won’t object. Building relationships is easy when you’re upfront!

Once you publish the post, share the link to it with anyone who responded with a quote. Not everyone will share your link, but many will. Then, your blog gets referral traffic from other companies sharing your content. And that’s how to get your blog noticed 101.

The end goal of this strategy is that your blog gets fresh content and potentially grows its target audience.

6. Try paid advertising

One of the quickest ways to get your blog noticed is with paid advertising. Companies everywhere spend money on paid advertising to generate leads and gain more blog traffic.

Plus, there are many ways to gain targeted traffic through paid advertising. Some of the best and biggest paid advertising platforms include:

  • Social media websites (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.)
  • Search engines (Google primarily, but don’t discount Bing or others from bringing you quality traffic)
  • Banner networks

Starting out, I’d recommend trying ads on Google search or Facebook. These platforms can let you test out how well paid ads can get your blog noticed.

It’s understandable to hear the term paid advertising and assume this type of marketing is expensive. It can be, but you can start out with this type of advertising for only a few dollars.

7. Start guest blogging

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As I mentioned in the intro, there are many blog owners in the world. Some blogs are online businesses making money, other blogs are platforms for people to share their views.

Like you would with your own blog, other website owners also need content for their blog readers. If you know how to guest post, those new blog posts can come from you!

Guest blogging is a blog promotion strategy that almost every marketing-savvy company uses. And, if done well, guest posting can bring your blog massive waves of organic traffic.

Here are a few of my most effective tips for becoming a guest blogging superstar.

Build relationships to get your blog noticed

No, I’m not talking about taking people out on dates. Instead, build long-term professional relationships with people working for websites you want your content on.

As I’ve learned in the past several years, getting guest posts is a process. Please don’t expect to send out a few emails each week and expect blog owners to knock down your virtual door.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: owners of successful blogs constantly get emails from people looking for a backlink. So, in this case, the direct approach to building links by directly asking for them probably won’t get you far.

To get your amazing content onto another blog, you need to develop a quick pitch. Let’s look at how to create a great message.

Introduce yourself quickly

Obviously, the person you email needs to know who you are. So, quickly introduce yourself with one sentence. Here’s something I would use:

Hi, I’m Alex, the owner of Content Marketing Life.

Super simple.

Mention something specific

Now, quickly mention that you loved a recent post and why. Before doing this, hop over to the blog of interest and read an article. This step shows you’re not someone spamming every email address they can find (even if you are).

Make your one to two-sentence pitch

Lastly, answer the question: why should other sites let you write for them? Have you written content on other websites? Now’s the perfect time to add a few links you’re most proud of. You can also use your experience in a specific industry to gain a guest post spot.

Be patient

Reaching out to other bloggers takes time. You’ll be visiting lots of contact pages and other areas of websites looking for email addresses. Many will not respond. You’ll also get a lot of “we’re not interested at this time” emails.

It’s all good! Those rejections happen to everyone. I’ve been a content marketer since 2012, and I can’t count how many times my guest blogging emails were ignored or rejected!

But, you know what? I ended up getting posts published on other websites. And, so will you! The feeling of working hard and seeing your written content on a guest blog is worth the wait.

Don’t stop at one email

Only 2% of all sales take place during the first user interaction. However, experienced salespeople know the importance of (without being obnoxious) repeatedly talking to someone before this person makes a sale.

The same rule applies to emailing websites asking for guest posts to get your blog noticed.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should spam people and send out many emails to get more exposure. Trust me, this will have the opposite effect.

Instead, I recommend aiming for an email schedule that looks something like this:

Day 1, email 1: Perfect the message you want and send it out in this first email.

Day 3-4, email 2: Chances are, the person you want to reach is busy. Give them a few days and reach out with a short one to two-sentence follow-up. Something like: “Hello again, I’m just wondering if you had a chance to see the email I sent a few days ago?”

You’re not trying to sell them on your blog, again. This email is basically just to get your email and blog address to the top of someone’s inbox.

Day 7-8, email 3: At this point, I’d send out another short email. Maybe mix things up here and share a piece of content (not from your website) that this person or blog would find useful.

Day 14, email 4: At this stage, send one more follow-up. I like to space out this fourth one in case someone is on vacation or otherwise out of the office.

Send emails from your blog’s domain

I debated on whether or not to include this tip.

You don’t have to send emails from your website’s domain. But doing this is a helpful way to get your blog noticed.

Let’s say you own a website about gardening. You get two emails, each one from a different person.

The first email is from The second one’s from

Which email looks more legit to you?

The broken link method

A sneaky method about how to get your blog noticed is by using the broken link method. Essentially, this method involves you finding relevant websites or blogs with broken links (links that don’t go anywhere).

After making a list of these websites, you reach out to them with an offer. You, being the caring person you are, noticed this website had a broken link. But, fear not, you have a great post that could replace that broken link.

Of course, don’t copy and paste that last paragraph into an email and call it a day. There are a few things you need to have ready before anyone’s link dropping your blog on their website.

  • Quality of content: First and foremost, other websites want to share content that’s relevant to their readers. If not, these websites can lose traffic and drop in rankings.
  • Relevance: So, make sure your own content is relevant to the website you’re pitching to.
  • Website authority: Authority is a blog metric that only comes with time, great content, and quality backlinks.

Wrapping things up, there are many ways to get your blog noticed in 2023. Use my valuable tips, give it a little time, and you’ll get your blog seen by more people. For more useful tips, check out my recent article on 50 content distribution platforms to get your name out there!

Content Marketing Life